What is Struts

What is Struts and Architecture of Struts

In Java web development, Struts is a popular framework that provides developers with an efficient way to build dynamic web applications. Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, Struts is designed to help create scalable, maintainable, and extendable applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, making it easy to manage complex applications by separating concerns. Struts has been widely used for over a decade. While newer frameworks like Spring MVC have emerged, Struts continues to have its place in the development landscape.

To complement your knowledge of Struts, learning Spring Training in Chennai can enhance your understanding of modern Java frameworks and their applications in building robust, scalable systems.

In this blog, we will explore Struts’s definition, how it works, and, most importantly, its architecture, which is fundamental for understanding how it operates and its core components. 

What is Struts?

Struts is an open-source web application framework based on Java. It is used for developing enterprise-level applications that are scalable, maintainable, and extendable. Struts is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which is the cornerstone of its architecture. The primary aim of Struts is to separate the application logic from the user interface. This separation makes it easier to manage and maintain large applications.

Struts simplifies web application development by providing built-in functionalities. These include tasks such as form validation, error handling, and navigation control. It provides a set of reusable components and tools that can be leveraged to create robust applications. 

The MVC Pattern in Struts

Before delving into the architecture, it’s important to understand the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, as it is at the heart of Struts. The MVC pattern is a widely used software design pattern that separates an application into three interconnected components: Model, View, and Controller. To gain a deeper understanding of MVC and how it applies to various frameworks, including Struts, consider enrolling in MVC Training in Chennai to get hands-on experience and a solid foundation in this design pattern.

  1. Model: The model represents the data and the business logic of the application. It directly manages the data, logic, and rules of the application. In Struts, the model is typically represented by JavaBeans, EJBs, or POJOs.
  2. View: The view is responsible for rendering the user interface (UI) and presenting the data from the model to the user. In Struts, JSP (JavaServer Pages) or other technologies like HTML or XML are used to create the view layer.
  3. Controller: The controller is the component that handles user input and acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. In Struts, the controller is represented by the ActionServlet and Action classes. It processes user requests, updates the model, and selects the appropriate view to display the results.

The Architecture of Struts

The architecture of Struts is based on the MVC pattern and is organized into several core components. These components work together to manage data flow, handle user input, and render pages. The architecture can be broken down into the following key components:


The ActionServlet is the front controller of the Struts framework. It is the entry point for all user requests and acts as a dispatcher. When a user sends a request, the ActionServlet receives the request and forwards it to the appropriate Action class for processing. It then selects the corresponding view (JSP or other) to render the response. The ActionServlet is configured in the web.xml file and is responsible for the overall control of the request-response cycle. If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge and gain hands-on experience, enrolling in Struts Training in Chennai can be a great way to master the framework and its various components.


The Action class is where the business logic resides in Struts. Each action corresponds to a specific user request, and the Action class handles the input, processes the business logic, and forwards the result to the appropriate view. The Action class is responsible for receiving and processing form data, invoking the model layer, and determining which view to render. The Action class typically has an execute method that is invoked by the ActionServlet.


The ActionForm is used to hold the data from the client-side form. It is a JavaBean class that contains the form data and provides getter and setter methods for each form field. The ActionForm is typically populated with data from the user’s request and then passed to the Action class for further processing. It is also responsible for form validation before the data is submitted to the business logic.

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Struts Configuration File (struts-config.xml)

The struts-config.xml file is the core configuration file of the Struts framework. It defines the mapping between user requests, Action classes, and views. It contains configurations for actions, form beans, global forwards, and error pages. This file is essential for setting up the Struts framework and mapping URLs to the corresponding Action classes and views.

JSP (JavaServer Pages)

JSPs are used for the view layer in Struts. They render the data provided by the Action class and present it to the user. JSPs are responsible for displaying dynamic content and interacting with the user interface elements such as buttons, forms, and links. Struts uses the tag libraries in JSPs, such as the Struts Tag Library, to facilitate easy data binding and form handling.

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Model Layer (Business Logic)

The model layer represents the business logic of the application. It can consist of JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), or any other POJOs that interact with the database or other services. The model layer communicates with the database and updates the data that is displayed in the view layer.

Validation Framework

Struts provides a built-in validation framework that simplifies form validation. This feature allows you to define validation rules for form fields in the validation.xml file. The framework validates the input on both the client and server sides, ensuring data integrity before it is processed by the application.

Struts is a powerful and flexible framework for building web applications using the MVC architecture. By separating the application into distinct layers (Model, View, Controller), Struts enables developers to create scalable, maintainable, and extendable web applications. Its architecture is designed to streamline the development process, and its core components, such as the ActionServlet, Action class, and validation framework, work together to handle user requests, process business logic, and render the user interface.

Although newer frameworks have emerged in the Java ecosystem, Struts continues to be a valuable tool for many enterprise-level applications. By understanding its architecture, developers can effectively leverage Struts to build robust web applications. Whether you are working with Struts 1.x or Struts 2.x, its MVC-based approach provides a structured and efficient way to manage complex web applications. To further strengthen your Java skills and understand how frameworks like Struts integrate with Java, consider enrolling in Core Java Training in Chennai, where you can gain a deeper insight into the fundamentals that power such frameworks.

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